Special Issues




Type and style: political, social, Informative

Editor-in – chief: Ali Jenab

Date of publication: 1906

Place of publication: Isfahan

Publication interval: weekly

     It is one of the old newspapers that was established under the directorship of Haj Mir Seiyed Ali Jenab in Isfahan and has been published once a week in 8 pages and 46× 23 cm cutting by lithography and style of writing. The first issue of it was published on October 1906 and the yearly subscription price was as follows:

     “ 25 kerans in Isfahan, and outside of Isfahan the post expenses would be added. 15 kerans for six months and the price of advertisement one keran per line.”

     In each issue, Al Jenab was being introduced in two lines which was printed under the title of newspaper as:

     “ This is a national newspaper risen on behalf of the noble nation and makes investigations about news and sciences regarding the nation and thankful of favors for sending news and sections and appropriate important matters and free from any restrictions with payment in return and in proper time”, moreover on the title-page the phrase “weekly liberal newspaper” attracts attentions.

      The newspaper’s editor-in-chief  has written the subjects in a complicated from, in writing the contents and perhaps the Al Jenab newspaper is unique or at least it has few similar papers among the other persian press.

Available: (1906-1907)

