The state parties and their place in Iran’s Contemporary
Niloufar Kasra
Political party has not such a powerful record in our country
in the sense of some special associations who having – special
targets which is the result of mental and exact situation of
the political system structure of their own society does not
have strong background in our society. It just goes back to
the post constitutional period and also in an interrupted and
ragged form so that whenever the despotic rule would reach to
it’s zenith or there was created a political crisis, these
parties would be disintegrated or broke down. During the
second Pahlavi’s despotism, specially after august 1941 we can
see those kinds of parties the people’s support and only by
the order of power constituted without the people’s support
and only by the order of power agents from the top and they
had no obligation except that to preserve and reinforce the
ruling political power. These parties were parts of the
political and governmental structure of the time which were
proceeding to overall defence of the central power and
government and they themselves were means of internal
despotism. This group of parties are called in Iran’s
contemporary history as the “Governmental parties” and they
have three factors in common namely being courtly, ordered and
unpopular and they manifested showed ot? Themselves in three
periods of Iran’s contemporary history.

The first period (the Vatan party or
national will)
The first governmental party in Iran was the Vatan motherland
party which was formed in 1943 by Seyyed Zia – o- Din
Tabatabaee, one of the British agents of 1920 coup. The place
of the party was located at Sadi street, near the Mokhber – ol
– Saltaneh, in a splendid building which was donated to it by
Sarraf Zadeh, the famous factory owner, native of Yazd. Among
its members were Mozaffar Firouz, Seyyed Kazem Yazdi;
Rashidian brothers, Kouros Bazargan and Hejazi, the editor of
a newspaper named “Vazifeh”.
The “Raad – e – Emrouz” newspaper was this party’s organ which
was being managed by Mozaffar Firouz. This party continued
it’s activities until the mid of 1945.
This party was changed to the “national will” party after. One
year in 1944 and continued it’s activities until 1946. this
party was disintegrated Shen Gavam, the past enemy of Seyyed
Zia – ol – Din Tabatabaee, came in power.

Arya party
The second party among the governmental parties was the Arya
party which was created. By military authorities. This party
was strongly dependent to the England. Of it’s major members
we can refer to Mohammad Haadi Sepehr, Hasan Akhavi, the major
– generals Hasan Arfa, Mahmoud Eram, Amin Zadeh and colonel
Hasan Manouchehri (Bahram Aryana). This party continued its
activity ties until the decade 30 for it’s strong nationalist
and anti communist inclinations.

The third party of this group is the Iran Democrate party
which was formed in 29th June 1946 by Ahmad Gavam (Gavam – o –
Saltaneh) the prime minister of time through participation of
aristocrats and distinguished men. Of if’s members we can
refer to Mozaffar Firouz, ali Amini, Abolghasem Amini,
Mohammad Vali Farmanfarma, Fakher Hekmat, the commander, Malek
o Shoara Bahar, Hasan Arsanjani … the target of this party was
restoring Azarbaijan to the country’s territory. Also this
party was disintegrated after the falling of Gavam’s cabinet
