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the foundation of political philosophy in Iran-constitutional period

The foundation of political philosophy in Iran-constitutional period


Iranian Contemporary History No. 60


History Hall


  Foreign Policy Studies   Count : 12
» Conference on the Regional and International Impact of Iran’s Islamic Revolution

Iran Islamic Revolution is considered as one of the world’s three most important revolutions which broke the identified formulations - economic, political and security - of the super powers in the world and the region...

» Conference on the Islamic Resistance Renaissance in the Middle East (a look to Hezbollah’s epic endeavors)

With 10452 square kilometers and a population of 5 million people, Lebanon is located in the west of the Asia. The country has one of the most complicated forms of Political systems in the world. Royalty to religion and the ethnic...

» National Conference on the Political Events of Kurdish Areas

Embracing a various tribes and groups, Iranian society is the inheritor of a distinguished history and civilization and particular cultural features in an expansive geographical sphere within a long period of centuries. Through...

» International Conference on the Gaza war (roots, facts, and results)

Gaza strip with 360 square kilometers, is located near to the Mediterranean in the middle east. It shares common frontiers with Egypt in the southern west, and with the occupied Palestine territory in the north and northern east...

» International Conference on the Recent Movements of Middle Eastern Nations (Islamic Awakening)

During the first world war, when the Ottoman Empire sided with the three party coalition against the three party alliance led by the British, the latter decided to use the religious, linguistic and national diversity to divide...

» Revolutionary Islamic Movement in Mesopotamia, Today’s Iraq; Challenges and the Prospects

The recognized civilization of Mesopotamia goes back to some thousand years before Christianity. Upon the arrival of Islam into Iraq, Imam Ali made Koufe the seat of his caliphate. At the time of Omayyad’s too, Iraq was...

» National Conference on the Southern Ossetia war; Grounds, Causes and the Outcomes

Today’s Georgia, located in northern Caucasus, with 69700 square meters with a population of less than 5 million people, has about 723 kilometers common boundary with Russia, 322 kilometers with Azerbaijan...

» Conference on the Political Affairs of Azerbaijan (1941-1946)

A review of Iran’s pre and post Islamic history reveals the great role played by the Azerbaijanis in safeguarding Iran and its integrity. The outcome of foundation of Safavid dynasty by Shah Esmail Safavi in the heart...

» Conference on the Afghan Developments (within the recent century)

In late 18th century, due to the outbreak of the French Revolution and the adoption of a new policy by this power regarding its presence in the East and broad activities of the British through the East India Company, and...

» Conference on the Question of Cultural Anthropology in Iran

The expanse of Iranian empire before Islam and its frontiers after Islamic period are quite clear and need no definition in this short introduction. Despite all problems in defining of Iran’s frontiers...

» National Conference on Javad Khan Ganjei, Iranian Frontier Guard in Caucasus

Upon the rise of Romanovs in Russia, particularly since the reign of Peter the Great, all grounds were prepared for Russia’s territorial expansionist policy. The fall of Safavids by the Gholzai and Ebdali Afghans got the Russians...

» Conference on the Position of the Northern Talesh in Caucasus

The Russians had a very weak position in the regional scene until the Safavids. However, upon the rise of the Romanov family, they solved many of their domestic problems and they thought of territorial...


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