

A Memory
A Document
History Camera
Historical Facts
Our Land

Reza Shah’s Resignation and Exile
Retold by Touran Amir Soleimani (Mother of Gholam Reza Pahlavi)


Mokhtar Hadidi

In 1941, Iran witnessed the entrance of. allied forces and departure of Reza Shah from the county. A ruler who had obtained his legitimacy from foreigners and had taken the power in his hands through the suppression of in dependence-oriented movements of people, had to escape like a criminal. People who had witnessed his powerful authority could not accept this. But this was god’s practice. the followings are some part of the memories of a member of Pahlavi family.

      It was 1320, except some news on the world war that we heard from radio, we knew nothing of the current events in Saad Abad fences, nobody  dared to talk to us when in the morning of the same day we got up to say our prayers, we heard rough voices. At first we thought that they are exploding stones to build houses and palaces for in the Shah plain areas but suddenly we saw some airplanes in the sky. My son jerked from his bed and said it is a Russian airplane. Now everything was becoming clear and we heard the news of bombardment of some areas, people’s fright and … it was almost noon that prince Gholamreza said his majesty has ordered that all ladies , princes and princesses should leave for Isphahan. Again we were in the hands of adversity. I was even unable to gather our necessary things and packing our suit cases. Her majesty. left for Isphahan, princess shams and princess Ashraf left too. Esmat khanoum and her children did the same.

      We had to do something. I thought that if I took shahboor to my family or their villages, there may be some other gossips. If I would sent prince Gholamreza and I did not go, I could not tolerate his separation. All had gone except the shah, the crown prince and prince Alireza. I thought that I should go with my son At First I took Qoran and the prince took His gun, pistol and some some cloths and a small suitcase. Our driver and Ghohar taj, mg lady in writing. of course The prince drove the car, and all during our way to Isphahan  was praying and weeping. It took almost 10 hours that We reached Isphahan. After some inquiries we found out that the queen is in the house of Dahesh, one of reputable merchants of Isphahan. Esmat khanoum and his children were in another place of course we had to go where the queen was. We had not had anything that day. My son and my people went to bed without dinner. The queen, her sisters and daughters were gathered in a hall. When we entered, they were talking about the news. All of them were sad and worried. Then the host led us to a room specified  for  my son and me. My son was so tired and went to sleep.

      We were there for two days. I forgot to tell that her highness Fouziyeh on 25th of the same month became queen and with princess Shahnas were with us in the same place. At that time Shahnaz was one year old. On the third day, due to the lack of enough space, the place of Mr. Kazerouni, one of reputable Isphahani merchants and owner of a textile factory was prepared for us this place neas to zayandeh roud and had a guat Ganden and excellent ? , we all went thene and evanyhady had a noom, my oun and me a haned one room Each day came vaniauo news, nonc of which was optimistic. Princesanem uddoutloh , the one of zellussulfan and huoland of my maternal aunt, would ? uo to hio houac ouel Wao amaze of all nawe and would soath aut ? for twenty days, out life ? in thio way.  Ahauld any that the ? ? people had diaappeaned  the mathem queen, hes hignem fougiyel and athen ? would Ait ?the talke wuth up.and weupassy all oy wo would gathen in a hall and would talk ahuot ? It was 23 rd oy ? shahnivan that His highrn rega shahshah came to the thnome. All of up wene  cnying ? nound the ?. the only gope which wan ? was that the dyra thy had not collapeed, and at leat Mohammad reza shah came to the thnone. Then, they sent a man to upper floor to make a bed for Reza shah. it Was almost p.m that his car rrived. We were looking from the windows, but mohammad and her highress Fouzieh were in Front of the front seat,  who got off the dunal and broughtdown the yellowbig swtcase.

All people bowed to the shah. He bowed too and went up the stairs while being very upset and depressed . He sat in the hall for a while. All the others gatherd arouned him. After drinking a cup of tea he said that he needed rest. They led him to his room in urper floor . then there was silence. Prince Gholam Reg a came to me and said that his highness ordered for prince Alireza’s and my accompanying the new shah. The rest at the children would go with him abroud. I felt a little bit better, at least my son would be beside me.

At gor 10 p.m.d the same day some of his things and Coths were brought. We passed that night in fear and in hope too. It was on 24…. In the morning that another car came from Tehran carrying then the head of police and Qavam shirazi.All of us were surprised at their arrival. Then they asked permission for audience with Reza shah. Then we heard that they have come to say that his majesty should transfer his properties, movable or immovable to mohammael reza shah. Of course the new shah should sent monthly salary to him and the family he took with himself abroad. Her majesty the quean Fuzieh and princess shahnaz  should leave for Tehran. Of course we did not understand thy subject of falles between shah, head of police, and Qavam until noon, some people came from Registry office and His majesty Reza shah transferred all his belongings to Mohmmad rezd.Then there was a letter fron mohammad reza to his fother , saying that with regard to present situation and unrest of people, he cannot keep the brothers and if possible, they go wigh his majesty abroad. When g heard the news, I felt that I cannot bear it. That night I sat his bed and looked ot his face and I cried. I thought that my life has gone.When at eleven, he left for Europe, I had the hope that I will see him again. But now it was as if was exiled was it possible for him to return to the country? If I chose to go with him , I had to tolerate all their humilirting attilude. I had no money to live independently in foreign countries. Moreover, I should pay my delots. If I went, people would say that I used their money and went away. Shahpoor was so sad that he could not say a word. He Pretended to be asleep so that I would go to sleep too.In short, that night passed much worse than the other nights. In the morning I got up with swollen eues and heavy tempar. I said my prayers. I cried my heart out Ghohar Taj. Then it  became clear that the princess shams also intends to go with her father. She pacified me and told that:“do not wory, I would go too and would take tereidoun. We won’t let him feel lonely. I know hom you love him I promise that I will talke care of him”. I fell a little bit calmer But what should I do when he left here. How can I bear his separation. How showd I pay my debts. We went to sarenuddowleh’s place in the afternoon. He was fond of shahpoor.  He tried to sooth me and said. Try to imagine he is going to contincce his education and his father, sister and brothers avvompany him. He is young. He has his future in front of him. I hope rest and stability will be restored in the country and the prince will return to you. Do not be that much worried. But I could not help crying. Hassan khan, his son – in – law had come trom Tehran. Hassan loved my son very much. He said that he hoped the trip would be a short one. My prince at that time was is years old. He had only two cars, and some game pistols some of which had been given to him by. Late majaddowleh.He had given him a hound too within the last twenty days. He had bought two shares of Ali Abad throu my in sistance. He lcnew that how much I had delots. He said that he would give his cars to me, of which I could use one and sell the other. He asked us to write to him. Hassan said: “you should write something about the cars ond give to me in case they should take them as court properties”. When we returned home we saw Ali I zady, a cook and a servant had preprepared the things of princess shams and fereidoun. Ali Izadi had me prepared my son’s things. Now her majesty the queen was also sad bevause of shams and Ali Reza’s departure. I did not sleep that night. I gazed at shahpoor’s face and wept. The next morning all people woke up earlier than previous days.It was eight in the morning that reza shah came from upstairs. I could not help my self. Iran to him. I had not tallced to him face to face since shahpoor’s birth. I felt so misevable that I cannot describe it. I started crying loudly his face had darkened. He cried too and said, “of course he is my son, and I will take vare of him. Do not be worried”. I could not say a word more. He tumbled his head down. and went towards the door. I was crying and I did not understand how they goton the cars. It was at 10 a.m. that we heard from radio that mohammad reza shah was going to swear in the mahlis. Her majesty the queen, in voluntary said: “now after reza shah, it is not important for me that my son enthrones or not and fouzieh becomes queen. Of course she felt jealousy towards the new queen. Only when one month passed the timw that he had done that in justice to me, all these things happened of course I did not want him to have such a fate. But it is not good to hurt the feelings of others.*The manuscript of the memoirs of touran Amir soleimani, Reza shah’s third wife is kept in he archive of   IICHS.

