Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies (Publications) WWW.IICHS.ORG Quarterly Journal of IICHS, Vol. 15, No. 59 , Fall 2011
SAVAK's controlling policies over governmental parties and the National ConsultativeAssembly (1957-1978) / Mozaffar Shahedi
Modernization in Reza Shah's period, Reality or Illusion / Amin Reza Towhidi
Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar (the first year of the reign) / Fatemeh Moezzi
The Zoroastrians and the Bahais; Their Relationship under Qajars / Jalil Naebian & Javad Alipur Silab
The Intellectual Grounds of Shiite Clerics during Iran o Russian Wars / Nassrollah Purfayyaz
●Interviews and Memoirs
A Review of Journalistic and literary track Record of Zeinolabedin Mo'tamen / Morteza Rassoulipour
Daily life and Life Styles in Iran; Since Qajars. (2) / Sirus Sa’advandian
A Man for All Seasons (Photos of Ahmad Qavam) / Jalal Farahmand
● Report
A report on the National Conference on the Regional and Trans regional position of Georgia / Elmira Kianpur |