Institute for Iranian
Contemporary Historical Studies
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History and Manifestations of Imam Hossein’s Mourning in Iran: With a Look to Safavid Period

History and Manifestations of Imam Hossein’s Mourning in Iran: With a Look to Safavid Period


Author: Asghar Heidari
Date of Publication: First Edition 2012
Print run: 2000 copies
Number of Pages: 284
Price: 6000 Tuman
From the text of the book:
“…A simple play at the time of Safavids, Iran’s passion play was developed under the Qajar rule. Further to some domestic reasons including the concern of the mourning groups and the public to perform and see the fighting scenes of Karbala and martyrdom of Imam Hossein and his loyal companions, and also the employment of the scenes in order to arouse the religious feelings of the youth, some other factors related to foreign countries such as the descriptions the foreign ambassadors gave of the tragic plays of their own countries and the travels of the heads of Iranian government to Russia at time of Fath Ali Shah and their visit of their theatres were  important in the development of passion plays; they  advised the performance of similar plays. Nasseraddin Shah’s travels to Europe and his visit of the great European theatres and halls had great impact on making Karbala passion play more extensive and theatrical...”